family Wales

Me at 20

April 29, 2020

#MeAt20 has been trending on Instagram so I thought I’d share mine. In this photo my daughter Rhiannon is not even a week old. She was a bit jaundiced and stuck her tongue out for about the first three months. Everything in my life changed when I met her. She’s the best thing that ever happened to me. This is a wierd photo because I’m so happy here, in my dad’s kitchen in Wrexham after getting back from the hospital, but I was a single mum, and our flat wasn’t ready so we stayed here for another month. I was scared shitless as I had no idea what life would throw at us – I had no job and hadn’t done so well at school, but we had each other and that’s all that mattered. Now she and her partner have their own little boy, Arthur who’s the brightest light. They have such a beautiful life that she’s worked so hard for. I’m so proud of her. Time is a strange and wonderful thing that gives the chance to grow and learn, and hopefully pass on some of the good ancestral stuff as much as to weed out the crap. Love you Rhi ?

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