Cymraeg Cymru vanlife

Dysgu Cymraeg eto

December 30, 2020

I’m often asked how I manage to live in such a small space with a man and two hounds. Honestly – once you’re happy in your own company it doesn’t really matter how big or small the space. We do loads of stuff together in the dark evenings – films, scrabble, just chatting about life and weaving dreams; but also we do our own thing, I’ve got right back into knitting after a two-year hiatus because we were in hot countries in the winter and weren’t even wearing shoes nevermind needing socks.

These are one of the first pairs of socks I knitted, they’re battered after many hikes and cycles in industrial launderette machines, they’re also slowing being held together with darning wool. But I love the story of these socks – the places they’ve visited, and survived.

This jumper is for Andy. It’s only the second one I’ve ever knitted (the first being my blue one that’s the same pattern ? #coupleswhodressalike) I’m on the arms now so it shouldn’t be far off finished.

I also blog about our life in this tiny-home-on-wheels because I feel passionately that accumulating a lot of stuff or having a huge house are not an essential part of living a beautiful, fulfilling life deeply connected to the natural world. I don’t believe that this is the only way – it’s one possibility, one potential action.

Anyway I’m back into Cymraeg again. When we started travelling I stopped learning. I suppose I felt that I didn’t have the right to learn anymore, and also I wanted to learn a language from the European mainland (Español – for those interested). But being back, I’ve felt a yearning to connect with this land through the indigenous language again, and I suppose I also realised I was stuck in a ‘limiting beliefs loop’ of having to choose between one language or the other. What nonsense!!

Felly sgwenna ata i yn Gymraeg plîs pawb – mae fy Nghmraeg yn ofnadwy ond dwi rili isio ymarfer eto. Ac hefyd, gweiddi fi os chi’n gwybod unrhyw da ffilmiau, radio neu tv. Diolch!

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