books creating poetry

What am I aiming for?

October 21, 2020

I’ve been thinking a lot lately about what kind of artist I am. Which seems ridiculous really – I’m a poet and novelist, a writer. But part of this is understanding how I network (fyi- I don’t); how I cope with rejection, and success; and also who engages with my work, who likes and feels an affinity with what I do.
Sometimes it’s easy to get lost in chasing other people’s dreams of success without really questioning why I’m doing it, except that everyone else appears to be aiming for the same goals. And then the smallest shift occurs, I’m gifted soil for my Dashboard Darlings, which inspires me to gift something forward, and in return this lovely understanding – a reminder of who I am, who I write for, and why I write. Design for all of these by the person who knows me better than anyone else in the world @andyrgarside. I’m always so in love with how my work looks because of him.
Books are definitely going out in the post today – it’s been a weird week where I’ve struggled to get myself into gear. Normal service is hopefully resuming. Thanks for understanding ?

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