creating dailyconnectionwithnature poetry


April 8, 2019

homecoming: I am done with narrowing potential / gifting ‘I should’ to the water I watch the bubbles leave her mouth as she is swallowed / when the sun is liquid in the sky I am sanddunes, granular / when rainclouds enfold, I expand into the water-cycle / this is what prevents grief from hardening into arrogance // shape-shifting I lay claim to no form (I am every form) / this is how I return / as the sun sets & rises / as the moon hauls oceans / each day I am reborn & ready to embrace the death of every thing I have worked for / to throw it to the universe (& take back only what is needed) / I accomplish this with the heart of a tree: with humility & honesty, with confidence & love / by peeling back all the layers that make up this self / I return to the magic of the earth

Putting it into a poem so I don’t forget. #poetlife

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