dailyconnectionwithnature food nature

Foraging for tea

April 26, 2019

Last spring I spent time with one of my favorite plant people, Mark Watson (link to his blog here). It’s going to take years for some of the things he taught to fully permeate into my life and a huge part of this is taking it slow, learning to move with the cycles of the seasons; knowing that it’s ok to forget some things and then relearn them; to accept that this kind of learning is a lifetime’s work and doesn’t finish once I’ve ‘done three years’ or some other weird arbitrary amount of time. I drank a lot of white deadnettle tea while there and today these beautiful purple deadnettles sang to me from the hedgerows. Just a quick forage for these and some dandelions to make a chilled tea. I’ll boil these together and steep for about 6mins then strain into my cold-brew teapot & chill in the fridge. I might add a squeeze of lemon (and maybe some honey depending on the taste). ? @andyrgarside ??

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