Monthly Archives:

October 2019

Mental Health nature poetry slowlivingactivism

at the boundary of the Self

October 1, 2019

The more I travel and evolve, the more boundaries become apparent. Not just the physical borders traversed, but those that exist in the internal landscape. And a dichotomy arises wherein, as I champion dismantling all physical borders, I am also coming to understand the necessity of having strong personal boundaries. Odd how our species appears to adore things the other way around.  Anyway I cannot get enough of these bright azure European skies that sing of sun-kissed afternoons & swimming…

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dailyconnectionwithnature Europe OUTSIDER Patreon chapters vanlife

The ceremony of fire

October 1, 2019

Words: Sophie McKeand Photos: Sophie McKeand & Andy Garside I am learning the art of firebuilding. Of connecting with the landscape through the creation of flames. There are scant times and places for this most soulful activity after the summer’s heatwave so when these luminous moments present themselves, like the discovery of a host of multicoloured European bee-eaters or the sudden appearance of the shy hummingbird hawk-moth, we take time to savour each honey-filled moment as it drips by golden…

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